Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Balling on a Budget...ALWAYS!

Q: What looks can you find for LESS?
A: You can find ANY LOOK from Head to Toe on a budget and look FABULOUS everytime! I promise! I do it on a DAILY!!! *wink ;) are some of my secrets. WATCH and LEARN DOLLz!
1. One of my favorite quotes..."Google it!" Whatever LOOK you are going for, let your fingers do the walking. You have the world wide web, stylish magazines to pull ideas from, or just a fresh style of your own. Originality is always FUN!

2. TWO words: CLEARANCE RACKS! Make them your B.F. ...everyone has one right! I find most of my outfits from sale racks! A piece here and a piece there. Don't think..."Oh, what do I have to go with this? It doesn't matter!! If it's on sale for $10 why not, what do you have to loose? Bl@ck B@rbie says...Uh NOTHING!

3. LVOE SHOPPING!!!!! If you don't... Find someone that does to do it for ME!!!!

4. TRY it ON! Confession, I don't always try things on, I just know what will fit me and what won't. If your not for sure TRY it ON before you leave the store. It might 'LOOK FABULOUS' on the rack but when you try it on  sometimes that FABULOUS part isn't the case!

5. B@G H@PPY!! *Sigh. Now you leave the store BALLING...and you did it on a budget while getting your money's worth! SCORE!
Bl@ck B@rbie...Thank You for sharing the wealth! *wink ;)

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